Sunbeam Tiger Mailing List

You must subscribe before you can send email to the Sunbeam Tiger mailing list.

To subscribe to the Sunbeam Tiger Mailing List, send an email message to, with your request in the body of the message like this:

subscribe tigers [your email address]
unsubscribe tigers [your email address]

Note: Your email address is optional, and majordomo will use your default return address if nothing else is provided. If you find the number of emails overwhelming, a digest subscription is also available. The digest version concatenates list mail into fewer larger emails that cut down on the inbox clutter. You can subscribe to the digest version with this request:

subscribe tigers-digest
unsubscribe tigers-digest

Once you have subscribed, you can mail to the list using:

For complete majordomo information send a "help" message to

For more complete information regarding majordomo list functions, click here.

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